Sunday, March 12, 2023

March News #2

This week is Parent-Teacher Conferences and I look forward to meeting with each of you to share the success your child has had in first grade thus far. It has been a "busy" year and we have lots yet to learn. If you ever have a question/concern before the end of the school year, please call or email me at anytime. If you would like materials to help your child with a particular skill they are struggling with, I can send home things to work on as well. Kids succeed best when the parents and teachers are working together to make that happen. Thanks so much for all the support and help you've given your child thus far. The end of the 2nd trimester was February 28th. Report Cards for the 2nd trimester will be shared with you at your child’s conference. 

Math: We completed our Module on comparing numbers last week. When comparing 2-digit numbers we used the symbols and vocabulary of; equal to, greater than, and less than. Check to see if your child can draw the correct symbol for you when given these two numbers. 78__54, 44__48, 101__111, 112__120, 113__103, 67__67. This week our lessons will focus on telling time to the hour and half hour. 

Reading: Last week, our reading goals were to read and spell words with ir, er, and ur, our grammar skill was using I and me correctly when speaking and writing, and our comprehension skill was drawing conclusions. When drawing conclusions, we focused on looking at the illustrations/photographs in our story to give us information the author did not state within the text.  This week, our reading goals will be to read and spell words with "oo" as in took, our grammar skill will be using pronouns correctly, and our comprehension skill will be cause and effect. The plan is to take the spelling test on Thursday this week. If I feel more time is needed to work on this week’s skills, I will carry it over into the short week following the spring break.  The following high-frequency words will be added to the word wall: baby, begins, eight, follow, learning, until, years, young, again, along, began, baby, father, house, nothing, and together.

Writing: Our writing goal after spring break will be informational writing. The students will work with a partner to read about an animal and gather interesting facts. The goal is to complete several pages to create a nonfiction booklet that is created by them. 

Science:  Our new unit will be on "Light and Sound". Our "Mystery Science" lesson last week was titled "How do they make Silly Sounds in Cartoons?". This week, our “Mystery Science” lesson is titled “Where do Sounds Come From?”.

Star Student:  James and Maddox were most recently featured. James likes to drink pop and eat hamburgers. His favorite sport is soccer and he wants to learn more about math. When James grows up, he wants to be a police officer. Maddox likes to drink mountain dew and eat cotton candy. She collects shells and her favorite movie is “Polar Express”. When Maddox grows up, she wants to be an artist. 

This will be a crazy couple weeks with 1:oo dismissals on Monday and Thursday for conferences and no school through the 22nd for “Spring Break”. Enjoy the extra time with your families!

With more spring-like temperatures hopefully coming soon, the question of "Do I have to wear my coat?" is a big deal. We post signs before each recess to inform the kids what they are to wear at recess due to whatever the temperature is at that time. With this time of year being so unpredictable with the weather, please make sure they bring a coat on days when the temperature is below 50 degrees. They can always bring a sweatshirt in their book bag for those days when the morning is cold and it warms up later in the day. Thanks!